Petang jumaat lepas sy pg la ATM CIMB nak withdraw duit blanja, smbil2 tgk mirror merangkap notice board & CCTV (ada kat smua ATM kat UKM) sy tnmpak notis btajuk “POLICE ALERT!!” kat sblah ATM 2..
Notis itu bertulis bgini..
1. NEVER respond to any phone call/ SMS/ email requesting your bank account details.
2. NEVER reveal your bank account details/ ATM pin/ internet banking password to anyone.
3. NEVER follow instruction from unknown party to do banking transaction or make changes to your bank account details.
4. NEVER be a victim of schemes that sound too good to be true.
p/s: cermin sblah ATM 2 ble jd CCTV, cermin belek muka jga utk iklan @ notis..hahaha
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Refer video atas tentang jeragat. Hari tu aku ada buat post pasal jeragat.
Hari ni ada orang tanya lagi pasal jeragat. Again, aku nak cakap yang *TAK
1 day ago
nmpk nye itu adelah multipurpose mirror!
ReplyDeletehaha...mesti helen touch up muke kat situ kan...
ReplyDeletehoho..xda2 sy siap ambik2 gmbar lg dpan cermin 2..